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3 Empowering Things To Do Everyday, based on The Secrets of Empowerment by Charles Gordon

Due to the increased rush and demand of living we tend to neglect our self-worth and no longer do we have time to spend on caring for ourselves. Which means that our job of motivating ourselves daily becomes a chore and a burden, especially when everything seems to be going left instead of right.

We feel more and more of our energy drain and our attitude towards life is no longer curious, happy and self-satisfying. Sadly, this is a reality that we all face at some point in our life.

However, with every issue there is a solution; so we have curated a list of 3 simple tasks that you can do everyday that can increase your mood and empower you to go on another day through this combustible haze.

1. Daily Gratitude Lists

A gratitude list is not a new concept but it's something that is very effective, especially on days when feeling discouraged. Taking note of all the good things you have done and have accomplished so far on a daily basis is a great reminder on what we have already achieved in our lives. Reminding ourselves of these achievements will in turn leave us with a replenished feeling as our mind is no longer situated in the lost pit of doubt, but instead we now have something exciting to look forward to as you’ve now regained confidence in yourself and your ability to achieve.

Secret 19 of The Secrets of Empowerment:

SELF AWARENESS. “Self-awareness isn’t only valuable during moments of desperation, but can be used to create a work ethic that is more intense and focused than that of your competitors.”

“Only when an entrepreneur is aware of the effect he has on people is he in control of the potential reaction and consequently the situation.” - Charles Gordon, Author of The Secrets of Empowerment.

Quotes by Charles Gordon, extracted from The Secrets of Empowerment

2. Let Passion Drive You

Secret 15 of The Secrets of Empowerment:

“In business an entrepreneur without passion will not be able to go through hell and high water to deliver what’s needed for success. By injecting passion into business a proposal, an entrepreneur will be able to go to the extra mile when trying to achieve, increasing the likelihood of success.”

Sometimes rekindling that burning fire (passion) that made you start in your journey is all you need to continue. That passion that you started off with a year ago is the same one you will need to continue and to develop.

3. Be Content

Another reason why we build the ideas/feeling of self-doubt is because we are not content with what we have. E.g. your 22 and you work a basic retail job Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 (or in other words 8 to 7) to support yourself while you are planning the launch of your photography business and studying cinematography at Uni.

Your balancing all of these things then you look out the shop window one day and you see one of your peers blow past in a glossy black Aston Martin DB11 and you wonder to yourself how come you haven’t achieved that. Mind you that wasn’t your initial goal before, you was happyish with the life you was living before, as it was on track for what you want to ultimately achieve.

Now your vision has changed and the ideas/feeling of self-bout has manifested. That’s the time when you need to be content with your lot and not allow such thoughts to make you feel as if your underachieving.

Secret 54 of The Secrets of Empowerment

“To avoid the snares of a lack of contentment, recognise that worthwhile achievements take time to become a reality. Qualities have to be developed, plans put in train and action fostered.”

Quotes by Charles Gordon, extracted from The Secrets of Empowerment

So these are just 3 of the many things you can do today to rebuild your confidence and also to empower yourself as the budding entrepreneur that you are. #EntrepreneurialTalk


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